Roodmasi Reckoning: Book Two of the Vengeance of the Fallen Series



When we left the version of the world that Mystery’s Choice took place in, Earth was a utopian society. People were living in a space station, cancer was being cured, crime had disappeared and wars had stopped.  It couldn’t last, nothing perfect ever does. And Serafina had taken Kasdeya and disappeared into the night with her. So, our little band of warriors hoarded their powers and waited for evil to rear its ugly head.

Well, Satan figures that now is the time to strike and he has Serafina set in motion the events which bring  first one of the Infernal Kingdom to the Earthly Plane and then dozens. Murder returns, crimes of other sorts grow past the current abilities of scaled back police forces to handle them. Chaos is once again at hand. While demonkind bring the world to the brink, Serafina readies Kasdeya to war against her mother and siblings.

Jeremiah is now a strong, confident and very powerful sixteen year old, who has been raised knowing that someday he would be needed to stop evil from taking over the Earth. He stands with his mother Mystery, his father Ryan, his Godmothers Felicity and Mary Kate, and his siblings, prepared to battle to the death if necessary the forces of his Grandfather and sister.

The Roodmasi have risen and this time they will not be dissuaded by sentiment and secrecy. Hopefully, Jeremiah and the others are ready for the fight of the century.


Roodmasi Reckoning: Book Two of the Vengeance of the Fallen Series – Arriving in bookstores in November, 2015

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